Lifetime stats |
He wipe out 47527 players for his better K/D ratio 7.05. He has played 2336 duo matches and win in 397 matches having win rate of 17%. He has eliminate 9630 en
imies in these games. with K/D ratio 4.97.
imies in these games. with K/D ratio 4.97.
In solo mode he has got booyah in 171 matches from 1398 matches and registered 4598 kills on his name for 3.75 K/D ratio.
Ranked stats
Ranked stats |
In this Ranked season he has entered in 341 squad matches and win in 40 matches with winning percentage 11%. he has hold 1897 kills on his name for a incredible K/D ratio 6.30.
The AWM king has participated in 33 duo matches and getting first place in 4 matches with win rate 13%. he has registered 178 frags ,it leads to a K/D ratio of 6.14.
In solo matches he has got 2 booyah on his name from 7 matches with win rate 28.50%. He have 51 kills in these game and maintained a K/D ratio of 10.20.
Cs stats
Cs stats |
His YouTube channel
He was started his YouTube career in may 2019 but Now he have 3 YouTube channel name as Born2kill,B2K & B2K highlights. In his main channel he 6.46 million subscriber . He uploads a 324 videos on his channel ,which have total views over 383 million views. check here his main channel.
He has also uploads related video on his two others channel .
His Social Media
He is active on Instagram . check links are on the below
Instagram: check Here
His Discord link is Here
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